We've been dealing with some technical issues with PayPal, which hopefully will be resolved soon. In the meantime, you can either pledge a donation or send a check to Marcel Nagele, P.O. Box 472, Bearsville NY 12409. Please note on the check's memo line that it's a contribution. Thank you very much for your consideration and generosity. Please be assured that your contribution would be an investment toward the betterment of our hometown. Also, should contributions exceed the needs of my campaign, I intend to donate those proceeds to a worthy charity such as the Food Bank.
* While we're on the subject of donations, I encourage you to also consider donating to the GoFundMe for the Eighmeys. They're our neighbors, who have been all but bankrupted for trying to get the Town to follow its own laws and finally clean up the Shady Dump, which adjoins their property and is thought to be contaminating their drinking water (and perhaps our own).