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1. Reinstitute professionally operating Environmental and Human Rights Commissions, advisory bodies that would speak to power rather than collaborate with it.
2. Require enforcement of our zoning and solid waste laws, and move toward remediation of the Shady Dump through the necessary enforcement of the law, assuring that the cost will ultimately be paid by the property owner.
3. Establish a fully independent and professional quarterly municipal water testing plan and implement a professionally-advised source tracing plan to determine where the PFOS or other potential contamination is coming from.
4. Shed light on how the dissemination and archiving of information is currently handled and offer a much-needed fix to continual problems.
5. Work to institute necessary policy changes regarding personnel issues to assure a discrimination and harassment free workplace, and establish a designated protocol for proper independent investigations of all allegations of abuse of policy.
6. Institute a new, fair and proper employee performance review program to assure efficiency in our workforce.
7. Be a strong, unyielding voice in representing all Woodstockers, especially the most needy and vulnerable among us.

Committee to Elect Marcel Nagele
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