Cindi Trevail
To all my Woodstock friends and family. I have known Marcel since my years at Bearsville Market (as it was called then) he is a man of his word and will gets things done. My dad, Richard (Dickie) Shultis was always impressed with Marcel’s work ethic, coming from my dad, (who was a perfectionist) that was huge, if my dad liked you he would support you, I know he would be thrilled to hear that Marcel is seeking election to the Woodstock Town Board and I know he would have supported him in any way that could have.
Good luck Marcel, as a native of Woodstock I am thrilled you are seeking this position.
Ekroth David
Marcel is ' the guy' to be on the Town Board. He has great ideas, will listen to the public, and push hard to clean up the toxic Shady dump.
Modern Mythology
Since the first time I met you I was impressed by the intelligence, strength and commitment underlying your humility and honesty. No flamboyant wing flapping, not over buttering the toast, just a reasonable, honest and pragmatic approach to whatever problem you were presented with - you gave an honest answer even if it's not the one the questioner wanted to hear. You are a naturally born leader and organizer rather than a follower, dissembler and smooth talker. You are the kind of person that is eager and more than willing to get things done so the next project can be moved into with confidence after doing a good job on the previous work; and you don't want to just get things done as quickly as possible so that the next project can be begun, but you choose to do each job taking the time necessary to do that job the best it can be done so that moving on to that next project does not mean revisiting previous hastily approached projects which need remediation. You also have a deep love and respect for Woodstock as a whole: as a community of people, as a welcomer and integrator of new people of quality into our communities list of many needed professional experts which have been left too long unfilled or where gaps which have been left unfilled by newer arrivals who may not grasp the complexities of many situations our community has left with wide margins needing deft expert handling. You also love and respect the woodlands, it's indigenous and colonial history, and are steadfast in your vision of maintaining as much of our pristine origins as possible while at the same time moving forwards with a bright vision of integrity which will not destroy the natural beauty which drew the first Woodstockers to this area. Not only do you know the people and the community's history, you know the nature of the land and it's geology, and you love the land itself. Anyone who has had even a 5-minute conversation with you will find ample evidence of this. I consider it an honor to be your friend and greater honor to be able to vote you into office where your love for our community and talents will expand even more than they already have as the work that needs to be done here opens up opportunities for you of all kinds. We have many needs and your leadership can fulfill and inspire others on a good path of sustainable stewardship. I wish you the very best in every way and you definitely have my vote.
That being said, as we move forwards on a sturdier and more sure and secure path as a community, it is my sincerest wish that you inform the community of others you feel would be worthy to join hands and forces with on what are great and daunting projects which will challenge us all. I know you will only want the best and most positive to work with and your opinion on who would be the best for what purposes and jobs would be of great interest to many people in our community as what we need to build are teams of people working towards specific and achievable goals that will benefit the community for decades to come. In short I hope you let us all know who you feel will be doing the very best jobs with the least contention so that projects do not get bogged down in red tape and factionalism. I know that's a tricky tight rope to walk, but if the community who feels so strongly about your own qualifications knows who you will feel can get the most done, in the most ethical and powerful ways with the least resistance and complexities, I am sure the entire community would like to hear your thoughts on it. No doubt that will become apparent as time passes, but it's always good to know who is best qualified to do the work on which is so desperately required. I urge you to let us know who you feel is best qualified to do the jobs that need to be done and how teams can be developed to work independently from each other while working comprehensively to contribute to a growing sense of wholeness in our community.
You're involvement in the evolution of our town is widely supported because you're qualifications are unquestioned. And I believe that your thoughts on others to be included in the towns evolution are of inestimable value. I eagerly look forward to voting for you and supporting you in all your endeavors. LET'S GET TO WORK!!!
Rita Mooers
You have our support Marcel ……you’re just a real deal of a guy….with the utmost values ! Your willing to put all the work ahead of you is great in itself !
Joan C Lonergan
You’ve always been a straight talker who is not afraid to tell it like it is no matter the consequences. Your integrity, honesty, ethics and moral compass is unwavering. I totally support you and know how dedicated you are in whatever you do.
Jeffrey Shultis
Very nice presentation Marcel! Having knowing you for quite a long time I know you are a man of his word. You will have the support of the Shultis family!!
Joan Reynolds
It’s hard to imagine a better candidate. I’ve known Marcel for 25 years. He will bring intelligence, integrity, transparency, and an incredible work ethic to anything he does.
Could not agree more with what others have said. For the past 25 years Marcel has done work for me, always exhibiting his trustworthiness, problem-solving ability, and commitment to doing a good job. Today I count him as a valued friend. Most importantly in these last few years I have understood his willingness to do the hard work of paying attention, researching carefully, and speaking only after he fully understands what he is talking about. We would be fortunate to have such an ethical, bright, and hard-working individual working on behalf of our town.
Richard Tuber
Wow. What a powerful ray of hope.  I just learned so much more about someone I already respect for their intelligence, knowledge, empathy, dedication, and perseverance. Marcel, you have always been such a standup guy, but now it makes sense where it comes from. I appreciate you that much more and look forward to supporting you every step of the way, any way I can help. And now I understand there are more ways I really can. Thanks for sharing your story. I wish you would run for that top position to be honest
Susan Roth
I recall many positive interactions with Marcel decades ago when he was the caretaker for the gentleman whose cats I had been caring for while he was away. Marcel was always available when I had concerns about our clients property or any issues in his home. He was an excellent problem solver and an all around good and caring person. Our town would benefit greatly from his expertise and knowledge. Best of luck to you, Marcel.
Alan Weber
Marcel's candidacy is a game changer, a gift to Woodstock. More than a few people had wanted him to run for Supervisor, but this is the next best thing. I've worked with him, and know first-hand his integrity, hard work and commitment to protecting the health and bettering the lives of the people of our community.
I am so happy to hear this. Marcel is a man of integrity. I did business with him for quite some time and always found him to be easy to work with, honest and quite capable. He would be an asset to the Woodstock Town Board!
Marcel has my vote!!! Perhaps of interest, I grew up in a way which was probably 180° opposite of Marcel’s experience. But I’ve gotten to know Marcel over the past year and it’s clear to me why people of all backgrounds and of all ilk trust him, respect him, and support him. Marcel will give this town complete honesty, integrity and hard work and what more could you want from a person on our town board – unfortunately, something which the majority of the town board cannot claim for themselves, and it doesn’t hurt that he holds the same positions that I do on issues that are critically affecting our town. He believes we should clean up the potential ecological disaster in shady. He believes we should help our neighbors – the Eighmys- who are victims of the illegal dumping on the land next to theirs and of the town board’s inaction and cleaning it up.  he will not wait until the poison in our water reaches the untenable DEC limits before acting. He believes in actual quarterly testing – something McKenna and his group have promised but not fulfilled. He wants to do source test testing to identify where the poison is coming from – something, McKenna claims they are doing, but there is not a single document to support that and when pressed McKenna seems to have the wrong idea about what source testing even is. Marcel will ensure that people who discriminate and cause a hostile work environment will be dealt with. This stands in stark contrast to the situation we have now where the perpetrator of the disgraceful acts of discrimination at the police Department remains there and a disciplinary hearing has yet to be had despite the passage of three years.  Marcel would not allow vulnerable people to fend for themselves in single digit temperatures. And he understands the desperate need for affordable housing in our town. I cannot stress enough how much Woodstock needs Marcel and how lucky we are that he’s willing to run for the town board. He should have everyone’s vote!!!!
Marcel Nagele is a consistent force of good in our community. Competent, respectful and resourceful. So happy you’ve made the decision to put your skills to use for the greater good.
We have a chance, with Marcel Nagele on the board, to restore some of what drew us to Woodstock and Shady in the first place. He is a man of his word, someone we can trust.
He has my vote. Too bad I can only vote once.
Marcel is a great person! He is a wealth of knowledge and has been around Woodstock and seen the ups and the downs of it. I have done business with Marcel and Woodstock dirt works over the last 20yrs super respectful and hard working. This is what Woodstock needs real people that know what’s really going on and how things work. They don’t need another person from who knows where that just came to the area and want to change things so it benefits them and not the community. Marcel you have my vote and everyone else should vote for you too!!
We have known Marcel for about ten years. We met through a mutual friend and a group of us spent many laugh-filled evenings dining at Pam Brown’s Garden Cafe on the Green. Whenever we needed advice about some home-maintenance issue, Marcel would always be generous with his time and opinion but refused any sort of payment and didn’t want to be hired. He seemed steadfast about not wanting to risk mixing friendship with business. He was always forthright and honest, maybe a bit to his detriment. We have watched him go to battle over his own business interests and then take on disputes that were property-proximity concerns that were always about right vs. wrong and just vs. illegal, starting from self-interest but moving out into common (and commonsense) concern for the greater good. Right now, what we need in our small town is a big man. Marcel would make an excellent town board member because he cares, he is dogged and he has the ability to find a solution. Vote for him. He is deserving, and so is Woodstock, And as an aside: Marcel has one of the best laughs around, but his anger at what’s been going on lately has kept that at a minimum. It would be great to hear Marcel laughing more … from the other side of the table at Town Board meetings.
Thank you Marcel for being a beacon of hope for Woodstockers. We’ve had a forty year relationship of mutual respect. Marcel, you definitely have my vote as you will be an asset to the town and its residents.
Marcel, so glad to see you stepping up to serve our community in this way. Over many years we relied on your integrity, consistent fine work ethic, your respectful and intelligent communication. All these values are evident in what you have written here — and you are more than we even knew. Thank you, Marcel.
Wow! Marcel if you can get this many Woodstockers to agree on one thing I think you may have my vote too! Thank you for stepping up.
Robert L. Euvino
This guy here... is a gift! As hard working as they come. Intelligent, patient, always reasonable, diplomatic, insightful, fair, strong, cool, and honest as the day is long.
Carol March
Yay! I can't think of anyone better to be on the Town Board.
Linda Lover
Thank you for running Marcel! Terry and I fully support you because we know you will stand by your commitments. Woodstock will be all the better with you on the board! Good luck!

Sylvia Bullett
Sterling solid citizen, Marcel!
Susan Marcus Paynter
Thank you for your compelling statement. I look forward to the changes you propose and especially Re instituting our Environmental commission.
Marcel Nagele is a true leader.
Example Endorsement